Sweet Chili Suace

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Perfect for dipping, marinating, or enhancing any dish. It’s a kitchen essential you won’t want to live without!


This versatile sauce offers a unique blend of sweetness, saltiness, freshness, and spice, all in one. Its remarkable flavor profile enhances any dish and serves equally well as a dipping or marinating sauce. A truly versatile condiment, it complements a wide range of culinary creations.

هذا الصوص الاسيوي  المتعدد  الاستخدامات يقدم مزيجاً فريداً من الحلاوة والملوحة والتوابل، كلها في واحدة. مذاقه المميز يعزز أي طبق ويصلح كصوص للتغميس أو للتبيل

Packeging Options

Additional information

Unit Net Weight

4 kg, 12 kg

Box Configuration

4 kg X 1, 12 kg X 1

Box Total Yield

4 kg, 12 kg