Thousand Island Dressing

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Island Escape in Every Bite, Imagine the vibrant flavors of a tropical paradise captured in a bottle. Our Thousand Island dressing transports you with its sun-kissed sweetness, tangy zip, and hint of spice, making every meal an island getaway.


“Genic” Thousand Island Dressing is the sweet, tangy, creamy dressing may used as a salad dressing, burgers, sandwiches and even as a dip for French fries.

تتبيلة ثاوزند آيلاند “جينيك” هي تتبيلة كريمية حلوة ولذيذة يمكن استخدامها كصلصة للسلطة Ùˆ البرغر Ùˆ السندويشات Ùˆ حتى لتغميس البطاطس المقلية

Packeging Options

Additional information

Unit Net Weight

3.4 kg

Box Configuration

3.4 kg X 4

Box Total Yield

13.6 kg